10 Key Reasons to choose Fruugo
There are many reasons why you should join hundreds of other retailers who receive orders effortlessly from around the globe via Fruugo. To make it easy for you, we have summarised 10 key reasons why we think you should be working with us.

Grow your Orders
Acquire orders from our rapidly growing base of cross-border shoppers.

Product Translation
Our automatic translation technology translates products in 28 different languages, localising the shopper’s experience wherever they are in the world.

Currency Conversion
Be paid in your own currency, yet sell in 31 major currencies without any risk.

No Sale, No Fee
Only pay when you make a sale. No monthly or annual fees.

Dedicated Account Managers
Every retailer has a dedicated account manager. Fruugo are not a faceless marketplace.

Multiple Payment Methods
We enable you to sell your products to customers who use country specific payment methods.

Foreign Market Insight
Get insights into product demand in foreign markets.

Fraud Protection
Fruugo provides full protection against fraud.

Network of Partners
Fruugo actively markets retailers’ products in 46 countries, using an ever-expanding network of affiliated and partner sites.

Responsive Design
Our site is optimised for mobile, tablet and desktop, to give the shopper the best experience possible.
“Fruugo brings us a lot of extra sales. We can now sell our products all over the world with this easy working system. We love Fruugo!”
Mark van Zeist
Director ffshoppen (Netherlands)