Commission is charged on the full transaction value of an order. There is an additional Funds Processing Fee of 2.35% of the transaction value of each completed sale.

Fruugo handles and manages all foreign currency so you are charged the same commission irrespective of where the customer is, and which currency and payment method the customer paid with. You are always paid in your own currency, net of commission and VAT, as per the example below.
The Process
Customer places order and pays in their local currency.

You access the order details, deliver the products and inform Fruugo via the Merchant Portal.

It is assumed that all deliveries arrive within 1 week of despatch. The Distance Selling / Cooling Off Period is 2 Weeks from date of delivery.

Once a week at midnight Sunday all orders out of their Cooling Off Period are cleared for payment.

Once a week you are paid for your cleared orders, in your local currency, less Fruugo Commission and Funds Processing Fees.

In the same week as payment from Fruugo, you are emailed an invoice for Fruugo Commission and Finds Processing Fees that were deducted from your payment, together with a statement showing the orders included in the payment.
On to Billing & Payments